Hi Rob – Is the focus and absorption processes that you speak about in this video, are they attached to an emotive reaction. Does this then allow us to explore more questioning with the client or keep observing and watching for seconding reactions, which may give additional clues into what is happening with the client?
Hi Donna - the focus and absorption process generates an experience. The experience has all the compnents - visual. cognitive ... and emotions ... and as with any experience, learning is created.
Hi Rob – Is the focus and absorption processes that you speak about in this video, are they attached to an emotive reaction. Does this then allow us to explore more questioning with the client or keep observing and watching for seconding reactions, which may give additional clues into what is happening with the client?
Warmest Regards
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Hi Donna - the focus and absorption process generates an experience. The experience has all the compnents - visual. cognitive ... and emotions ... and as with any experience, learning is created.
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