Hi Rob – The question “What is missing from here, that if you had it you would be ok”, is the purpose of this question to keep the responsibility with the client to reconnect with themselves, as opposed to the what wrong question, which puts the owns on the practicitor to work out and fix the problem.
"What's missing?" cfeates some clarity for client and therapist about what to look for, instead of, as you wrote, looking for something to fix. It encourages a practical experience.
Hi Rob – The question “What is missing from here, that if you had it you would be ok”, is the purpose of this question to keep the responsibility with the client to reconnect with themselves, as opposed to the what wrong question, which puts the owns on the practicitor to work out and fix the problem.
Warmest Regards
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"What's missing?" cfeates some clarity for client and therapist about what to look for, instead of, as you wrote, looking for something to fix. It encourages a practical experience.
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