schedule and recordings
2024 dates and times for our 1 hour video calls
The 1 hour meetings will be recorded and available to review or download for the rest of the year. The first hour will be for discussion, Q&A, sharing ... and the second hour will consist of me doing a demonstration, and then an opportunity to practice in pairs, if that interestes you.
We will be using an easy video conferencing programme - zoom. All you need to do is click on this link a few minutes before the call is due to begin and you can immediately join us.
Please take careful note of the dates as Hobart dates are a day later than in USA.
Use this link to discover the call time/date in your time zone.
dates and times for 2024
Tuesday 16th January 4pm Pacific, 5pm Mountain, 6pm. Central, 7pm. Eastern USA
Wednesday 17th January 9am Tokyo, 10am Brisbane, 11 a.m. Hobart
Tuesday 13th February 4pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 6pm. Central, 7pm. Eastern USA
Wednesday 14th February 9am Tokyo, 10am Brisbane, 11 a.m. Hobart
Tuesday 12th March 5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm. Central, 8pm. Eastern USA
Wednesday 13th March 9am Tokyo, 10am Brisbane, 11 a.m. Hobart
Tuesday 9th April 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern US
Wednesday 10th April 10am Tokyo, 11am Brisbane, 11 a.m. Hobart
Tuesday 7th May 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern USA
Wednesday 8th May 10am Tokyo, 11am Brisbane, 11 a.m. Hobart
Tuesday 4th June 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern USA
Wednesday 5th June 10am Tokyo, 11am Brisbane, 11 a.m. Hobart
Tuesday 2nd July 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern USA
Wednesday 3rdJuly 10am Tokyo 11am Brisbane, 11 a.m. Hobart
Tuesday 27th August 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern USA
Wednesday 28th August 10am Tokyo 11am Brisbane, 11 a.m. Hobart