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experiencing an easy way into hypnosis

Here's a brief experience of using "likes" as a respectful invitation in to hypnosis.

I invite you to let yourself experience this, as there may be something useful for you, your learning and your practice.

Please leave a comment about what you experienced and how this may be useful.

Here's the audio ...


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what is hypnosis?

If you look for a definition of hypnosis, you will find a wide range of contradictory comments ranging from everything is hypnosis to nothing is hypnosis. Some claim it is a state, others a lived in imagination, an experience where suggestibiklity is enhanced, a trait ...

Instead of getting bogged down in this confusion, we can look at how we recognise hypnosis as hypnosis. When we say that hypnosis is happening, what do we observe that has us say this.

Here is a working description ...

We sa…

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the common everyday trance

Erickson spoke of the common everyday trance where we read a book, watch a movie, listen to music, gaze out the window ... and invited us to approach hypnosis as an extension of this common everyday experience.

From this perspective, we can assume that any individual has their own way of experiencing their own everyday trance, and so, their own individual capacity to experience hypnosis.

We can then invite anyone ... anyone ... into their experience as a respectful and familiar connection with…

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The importance of community

“… something that most people agree is important but at risk in modern society - community. A community is much more than a collection of individuals in one place. People become a community when they cooperate in living, playing and working together. They agree on certain human values and goals, and work toward a sense of interdependence whilst maintaining their individuality.” Peter Bradley, Director, Camp Ibis, Tasmania.

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